How to deal with your most challenging colleague

You’d have to look very hard to find a corporation that doesn’t have ‘mutual respect’ embedded somewhere into it’s value framework.  The person who first helped corporations compile their values knew that Respect for the people we work with is a game changer. When we can find it, communication becomes so much simpler. When it eludes us, having …

Egg salad sandwiches at 6am

It started as a way to use up some egg salad that was in the fridge.  I took the diced egg, spring onion and mayonnaise mixture from the Tupperware and put in between two slices of bread, then added a few slices of cucumber,  wrapped it all in greaseproof paper and gave it to my husband to take to work.  The next morning, while I was …

When staying strong and powering through, isn’t working

Have you ever tried so hard to stay positive and power through, only to end up crashing and burning out? Then rally and try even harder only to crash and burn again a few weeks later? ‘Staying positive’ when you’re feeling anything but and ‘powering through’ even when you’re exhausted, is the emotional equivalent of holding a beachball …

‘I just work better under pressure’

Are you not getting an awful lot done at the moment? You aren’t alone. With no pressing deadlines and a lot of people on leave the pace has slowed right down for many. There’s no problem with things slowing down, except if you have the feeling you’re not making the most of your time. And …

The best seat in the Coffee House

Have you ever been in a Viennese coffee house?  If you have you’ll know that the waiters wear jackets with tails, white waistcoats and bow ties because Coffee is serious in Vienna. They don’t smile, these Waiters. If they’re exceedingly jolly, they’ll have a twinkle in their eye or slightly upturned mouth edges but never any teeth on show. Definitely no laughing or merrymaking of …

The coached mind vs the uncoached mind

There’s only one difference between a coached mind and an uncoached mind:  The uncoached mind believes every thought it thinks.  The coached mind doesn’t believe every thought it thinks.  That’s it. An uncoached mind thinks ‘I’ve nothing contribute here’ and believes it. The thinker of that thought stays quiet for the duration of a meeting and then comes out and gets annoyed that she …

The biggest waste of time there is

What is it? All the engagement management stuff that takes up so much time and is a complete headwreck? Zoom calls that go on and on? Children who interrupt you mid-flow every 5 minutes? Clients who don’t have their stuff ready when they said they would? Staff who aren’t as committed as they could be and send …

The Urge Jar

We don’t do time outs, naughty steps or sending to rooms. As an adult; if someone asked me to do any of those things, I wouldn’t be able to do any self reflecting for the shame and dread I would feel as a result of the person I loved and trusted most banishing me out …

What are you getting paid to do?

Did you get coffee on your way into work this morning? When the barista handed you your coffee and you handed them more or less than a fiver depending on how fancy the coffee shop was and where you live, you both completed a value exchange. You paid money to receive a warm, caffeinated beverage made …

Time Management is a feminist issue

I recently spoke to a female leader – also a Mum – whom I very much like and respect. We were talking about women in management and leadership, and specifically how women who are also Mums are coming through to leadership roles in the Big 4. She said this: ‘We have to accept that there …